Pain passes. It always does.
Breath has taught us this. That pain and discomfort passes.
We’re not meant to resist, avoid, suppress, enlarge, or push against our pain. We’re not meant to layer it with unnecessary meaning or drama. Our job is to feel it, allow it and let it complete itself.
Pain = Growth and despite what you may have believed in the past pain doesn’t always mean suffering or trauma. Pain is pain, it’s just as important and powerful in our life as love.
When we’re not aloud to feel our pain, when we hold our breath, label it as wrong or bad or should be avoided. Or when we believe that something is wrong with us - we suffer.
Breathwork is a tool that can be used to help sit with your pain and complete these trauma cycles through deep, usually unconscious release.
As children and adults anytime we experience discomfort we hold our breath, we resist feeling the pain at all costs and we hold it in. The pain then creates a imprint within us. It never leaves or passes.
It becomes more than just the experience of pain, it turns into suffering and continues to affect us. It changes our personality, the way we live our lives, the relationships we manifest. It creates a lens over our experiences, it taints the way we see ourselves and others and because it’s now sub-conscious, meaning we can’t see it or recognise it anymore, it becomes tricky to overcome.
Breathwork opens up the body and mind so that these trauma cycles or “hell loops” can finally complete themselves.
Breathwork opens up the body and mind so that these trauma cycles or “hell loops” can finally complete themselves. Through breath you can release and let go of the density that’s holding you back. Breathwork can trigger catharsis, but quite often the releases are deep unconscious releases and you never have to relive the pain or trauma to heal from them.
“You can not heal trauma with trauma” our teacher Daniel Coates says.
It’s not necessary to go back in time, experience it again, re-remember or even know “why?”, you can simply, beautifully and gracefully let it go.
During our Breathwork and Sound Sessions we pride ourselves on creating a safe space. Safety is important for release. If you’re feeling called to dive deep, and experience profound shifts then maybe this modality is for you.