Unfortunately alcohol is a huge part of Aussie culture. It’s normal to see drinking in most homes, work places, and social gatherings here in Australia. But when you walk the spiritual path, you may be asking yourself “what’s the spiritual and energetic impact that alcohol has on our progress?”
Alcohol has consciousness alternating effects to help us “escape”, “distract” and “let go”. Which is the opposite of what we want and it’s important to understand that:
Alcohol lowers your vibration.
Alcohol poisons your body, lowers your frequency and stagnates your energy.
Alcohol creates holes in your aura.
Your aura is an energetic field that surrounds your body. A healthy auric field means stronger boundaries between your energy and other energies. Consuming alcohol or drugs destabilises the vibrational system, causing a weaker auric field, holes, tears and leaks.
Alcohol interferes with psychic ability.
Alcohol has been known to block psychic abilities and create a haze and murkiness from the person who is being “read” by the psychic. It’s impossible to be a clear channel when you’re consuming alcohol or drugs.
Alcohol makes you susceptible to entities/ energies.
Not to scare you, but understand that when you drink, because alcohol lowers your frequency and weakens your auric field you can find yourself a match to negative entities.
After drinking, you may notice that, besides your hangover, you’re upset for no reason, irritable, apathetic, depressed, self-destructive or just don’t feel like yourself. FYI, bars and night clubs are riddled with entities - icky!!
Alcohol throws your chakras off balance.
No surprise, alcohol disrupts your energetic field and that includes your main seven chakras, creating an energetic imbalance in your body, mind and spirit that will take some time and attention to repair.
“Don’t mix your spirits with spirit.” My friend Stacey says. If you’re going to drink, don’t mix the two worlds and understand the repercussions.
Stay safe, be aware and authentic.